
  1. Nauczyciel lub pierwszy gracz zakłada nową grę.
  2. Pozostali gracze dołączają do gry, a następnie administrator rozpoczyna grę.
  3. Gracze odpowiadają na pytania wspólnie jako drużyna.
  4. Po każdym pytaniu dowiecie się, ile osób odpowiedziało poprawnie, a ile błędnie.
  5. Nauczyciel lub któryś z uczniów może wyjaśnić pozostałym graczom konkretne zagadnienie.
    Słówka: czasowniki
       Czasowniki frazowe
          Czasowniki frazowe: get, take
          Czasowniki frazowe: pozostałe
          Czasowniki frazowe: miks przykładów
    Be, have, do
       To do, to have, to be in Present Simple
       To do, to have, to be: questions
       To do, to have, to be in Past Simple
       Be, have, do: mix
       Talking about the present
          Present Simple
          Present tense: questions
          Present Simple vs. Present Continuous
          Talking about the present: mix
       Talking about the past
          Past Simple (regular verbs)
          Past Simple (irregular verbs)
          Past tense: questions
          Past Continuous
          Present Perfect
          Past Perfect
          Past Simple vs. Past Continuous
          Talking about the past: mix
       Talking about the future
          Future Simple
          Will vs. going to
       Tenses: mix
             Past simple vs. past continuous
             Past simple vs. present perfect
             Past simple vs. past perfect
             Present simple vs. present continuous
             Present perfect: simple vs. continuous
             Future tenses: continuous vs. perfect
    Nouns and pronouns
          Plural nouns (regural)
          Plural nouns (irregular)
          Personal pronouns
          Reflexive pronouns
          Possessive pronouns
          Pronouns: mix
    Articles and quantity
          Indefinite article
          Definite article
          Zero article
          Articles: mix
          Few, less, little, much, many
          Nouns: countable, uncountable
          Some, any, no, every
          Both, all, whole, every, each
          Another, other, either, neither, each
          This, that, these, those
          Quantity: mix
    Adjectives and adverbs
       Adjectives: comparative and superlative
          Adjectives comparative vs. superlative
       Adverbs: comparative and superlative
          Adverbs comparative vs. superlative
       Position of adverbs in sentences
       Too vs. enough
       Adjectives and adverbs: mix
    Prepositions and conjunctions
       Prepositions of place
       Prepositions of direction
       Prepositions: other
       Prepositions and conjunctions: mix
       Modal verbs
          Modal verbs and infinitive
          Modal verbs: Present Simple
          Modal verbs: Past Simple
          Can vs. could
          Must, have to, can
          Modal verbs: mix
       Verb patterns
          Gerund vs. infinitive
          Infinitive clauses
          Make vs. let
          Have something done
          Used to
          Verb patterns: mix
       Questions, question words, short answers
          Wh- question
          Question tags
          Questions: mix
          Zero and first conditional
          Second and third conditional
          Wish, unless, if only, if not
          Conditionals: mix

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